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Relationships and friends

Support with friendships.

Help to develop relationships.

And learn what unhealthy relationships look like.

Keeping friendships

Help with maintaining friendships

Friends can be there to enjoy the best times, and they can help us when we’re feeling down.

But sometimes friendships have problems.

It can be hard to know what to do, but Childline have a range of advice to help.

Healthy sexual relationships

Being in a new relationship can make you feel excited, happy and in control.

It’s normal to enjoy getting compliments, feeling special and safe or like you’ve got more confidence.

Sexual relationships

You might have lots of questions about having a relationship or having sex for the first time.

Childline have got some advice to help.

Free sexual health services in Bromley

Sexual Health Bromley is a community-based early intervention service focused on improving sexual health within the Bromley Borough.

Unhealthy relationships

There are times when relationships can become unhealthy.

It’s important  to know what to do and who to talk do if this happens to you.

Making sense of how you feel

In a healthy relationship someone shouldn’t try to control you.

Controlling or threatening behaviour can be physical, sexual, emotional, financial or psychological.

If your relationship doesn’t feel right, it may be time to end it.


Sexting is when you send a sexual message, photo or video to someone else.

It could be a picture of you, but sometimes people send pictures and videos of other people.

If you’ve been sexting and something’s gone wrong, Childline can provide advice to help.


Grooming is when someone builds an online relationship with a young person and tricks them or pressures them into doing something sexual.

Childline can help by providing you with what you need to know to keep you and others safe from online grooming.

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